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DragonballGT Info
Ten years after the end of DragonBall Z, Son Goku gets turned into a child again by a wish Pilaf made. The only way Son Goku can get back in his normal state is by finding the Black Star DragonBalls scattered across space. Son Goku, Pan , and Trunks go on journeys battling minor villans. At one planet, the DragonBall gang stumbles across Baby. Baby sneaks on board and lands on Earth. Baby takes over bodies in hope of finding a good host. Baby first uses Goten and Gohan as hosts, but he finally finds the most powerful host, it is Vegeta! Vegeta now turns into Bebi-Vegeta. A great battle between Son Goku and Vegeta begins. It turns out Son Goku is no match for Bebi-Vegeta. Then Kaiousin pulls out Son Goku's tail, hoping he can go into Oozaru stage. It works, but Son Goku still cannot defeat Bebi-Vegeta, who now is Super Bebi (Oozaru Bebi-Vegeta). Then something weird happens, Son Goku takes control of his body now and transforms into SSJ4 Son Goku! Son Goku soon defeats Super Bebi. (Note: Bebi-Vegeta can also turn to SSJ4).

  Cowboy Bebop
Cowboy Bebop is an anime about 4 people in space flying around. And it just happens they are bounty hunters. I'll have more Cowboy Bebop info soon!