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Videogame Reviews
Hey , PopDog here , ssj4goku4 asked me to do some videogame reviews for him. At the moment Ive only done Phantasy Star Online but I will add more soon.

Phantasy Star Online
You are not the only hero. Now there are millions of them.

Phantasy Star Online from the one and only, Sonic Team, allows you to team up with 3 other people from around the world and go off on an adventure across many different terrains, kicking lots of monster ass along the way.

To begin with, you must create your totally unique (or so Sonic Team say) character to play as within the game. First of all, you must choose a character class , such as Force or Hunter and after that, you need to select a number of styles in various categories such as hair and clothing to truly define your person.

Unfortunately you can only have one character saved per each memory card, despite each save only being 15 blocks. No real drawback, but it would have been nice to have more than one character so that you get to experience the difference between the classes.

The fights are all in real time, which is a nice change from the usual turned based style you see in most RPG’s, but they do get repetitive after a while.

The ‘mags’ add an interesting twist to RPG’s. They are small creatures that assist you in your travels throughout the game. You are given one to start off with, but as you feed it items, it starts to develop, grow unique characteristics, level up and learn moves to help you out. Once they reach levels 10, 35 and 50, they learn special attacks called Photon Blasts.

These range from defensive power ups such as Mylla and Youlla, which increase attack and defence for a while, to powerful attacks such as Farla, that summons a snake to do damage to nearby enemies.

The graphics in PSO are superb, with some amazing fully 3D landscapes, although far away items tend to pop up out of nowhere.

The best example of how amazing the graphics are is when you are facing the bosses.

They are all massive, beautifully textured, and look absolutely amazing when in action. Pity you won’t be able to notice all this, as you’ll be running around trying to avoid thier awsome attacks

PSO has some great sound effects, the swords make a cool light saber-ish noise, and the music is also very good and very atmospheric.

This game is long. Levelling up takes a while, and once you have completed the game, you can start again on a harder difficulty setting.

There are also side-quests with you can do for money. These range from helping to test new weapons, to finding lost scientists in the jungle.

Online play is also great fun and the built in language translator means communicating with people from all over the world is easy even without a keyboard, as there is symbol based-chat, and preset phrases.

The main gripe that we have with this barrier-breaking title, is that offline, it becomes very tedious, and quick. Apart from a few niggling flaws, it really does deserve the high acclaim it has been given by many other sites and magazines.